Can Dogs Eat Olives?

Known largely for the production of olive oil, and for their incorporation into a myriad of salads, olives have become a large contributor to diets. Seeing as they are quite good for humans, are they any good for dogs, and can dogs eat olives?  Yes, they can, but there is a catch.

Like every other food or consumable on the surface of the earth, too many olives can harm not just your dog, but you as well. But what is it that your dog stands to gain from consuming olives on a regular basis?

Olives for Dogs – What are The Benefits?

Here are a couple ways your dog could benefit from eating olives.

1. Vitamins and Minerals

Small as they are, olives carry a good deal of vitamins and minerals that are excellent for positively impacting physiological functions and boosting immunity. There are several of each, and below is a list of the most significant.

  • Vitamin A – Ideal for eyesight and the development of a strong immunity. It also works to enhance the development of bones and cartilage, as well as encouraging proper reproductive health.
  • Vitamin B6 – Also known as pyridoxin, this vitamin helps in the development of proper brain functions in your canine. It is also ideal for proper heart functioning as well as the prevention of anemia.
  • Vitamin E – Works as an anti-oxidant and also helps in the development and maintenance of healthy skin and coat.
  • Vitamin K – Ideal for proper blood formation, and for facilitating timely clotting of blood, especially after an injury.
  • Iron – Great for healthy immunity, energy levels and for regulating body temperature.
  • Magnesium – Strong anti-diabetic, ideal for immunity, works as an anti-inflammatory and facilitates optimal biochemical functions
  • Zinc – Supports optimal metabolic functions as well as boost your dog’s immunity.

2. Carbohydrates

These are largely needed for the production of energy which is an added advantage, especially when you have an overly energetic dog. An olive or two every so often would be ideal for giving your dog added energy when energy is heightened.

3. Fiber

Even though it comes in only low quantities, the fiber in olives goes a long way in helping your dog digest food better. When taken in regular intervals and with loads of care, olives can actually contribute to the overall functioning of your dog’s gut, facilitating better digestion and easier stool passage.

4. Moisture

Little as they are, olives have a good deal of moisture that the body uses to support physiological functions. Even though the moisture is not enough to replace water intake (an nothing can, anyway), they help in the overall functioning of the body, albeit only slightly.

5. Healthy Fats

This is easily one of the features that olives are known for. They are abundant in oils that are quite healthy for your dog. These oils are known to promote optimal cardiovascular health as well as enhancing the health and well being of your dog’s skin and coat, laving it looking smooth and silky.

Serving your Dog Olives – What you need to know

Seeing as there are many types of olives, you might want to know which ones are best for your dog. Thankfully, all types of olives are good for dogs, and they are unlikely to encounter any adverse effects from consuming olives. Since the most abundant types of lives are black and green, it is safe to feed both types are ideal for dogs.

However, you need to feed them olives in their most natural form as opposed to giving the dogs processed ones.  Here are a few things to avoid when giving your dog olives.

  • Avoid salted Olives – This is largely because sodium is actually toxic to dogs, especially when consumed in large quantities. In addition, it could also cause your dog to get dehydrated when consumed in large quantities.
  • Stay away from stuffed olives – Often times, stuffed olives are filled with food that may be toxic to dogs, and some of these foods could include onions, garlic and even blue cheese. Consumption of these ingredients could cause your dog to experience adverse effects, and this is why they should not be fed stuffed olives.
  • Keep from Cammed Olives – Often times, canned olives are preserved in a solution that often times contains sodium which, as earlier mentioned, has a tendency to be toxic to most dogs.
  • Do not feed you dog olives with pits – Pitted olives are considered a choking hazard, and your pet could actually die from possible asphyxiation in case they are unable to swallow them. for this reason, it is always advisable to make sure that you remove the seed that could actually prove harmful to your canine friend.

How Often Should You Feed Your Dog Olives?

Having established that olives have a good deal of sodium in them which is actually toxic to them, it goes without saying that you cannot feed them to your dog too often. That said, so not allow your dog more than two olives every three or four days. However, since dog sizes differ, you should talk to your veterinarian for more advice.

Can I Use Olive Oil in Place of Actual Olives?

Yes, you can, and this may actually be the better option for your dog. It is actually a lot easier to administer to the dog, and it comes with a myriad of benefits which include;

  • Weight control
  • Beautiful and luscious coat
  • Smooth and blemish free skin
  • Boosted immunity
  • Better digestive functions
  • Improved joint health
  • Improved cardiovascular functions

Olive oil can be added into your dog’s food once every couple of days, and you can be certain that it will do a lot more good for your dog than a regular olive would.


Olives have long been used in human history for a myriad of health benefits, and seeing as dogs are considered man’s best friend, it is only natural to want to give them the best by allowing them to have olives in their regular diet.

Thankfully, the canines are unlikely to experience any adverse effects when they consume olives in recommended quantities. For better results and easier administration, it would be best to serve your dog olive oil as opposed to actual olives.

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